Friday, November 22, 2013

Project Five - Sculpture

Project Five had to do with creating a sculpture of you're choice out of clay or cardboard. The media which I choose to use for the project is clay. With the clay I created a pinch pot. A pinch pot is an ancient as well as contemporary form of pottery. I decided to create a pinch pot due to its simplicity yet it can tend to be an extremely creative sculpture when finished. After sculpting the pinch pot and waiting for it to dry completely, it was then time to paint it. The theme I choose when painting the pinch pot revolves around Pearl Jams new album called Lightning Bolt. I painted the pot using colors and emblems which can be found on the cover of the album Lightning Bolt. The main colors I used include red, black, and white. I also used yellow to paint the inside of the pot. The emblems which I carved into the pot include lightning bolts that go around the sides of the pot as well as the letters PJ carved into the bottom of the inside of the pot. The letters stand for Pearl Jam. I believe that the most successful part of Project Five was my ability to create a well sculpted pinch pot through following the precise instructions on how to do so. Also I was able to accurately portray the elements of art which are on the cover of Pearl Jams album Lightning Bolt and apply them to my pinch pot.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Project Four - Perspective

Project Four dealt with various types of perspective which are used in the field of art. The specific type of perspective I choose to use is called Forced Perspective. Forced Perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer. larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It tends to manipulate human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. The media that was used for this project was a camera. I was inspired to do this project using Forced Perspective due to how interesting and creative this type of perspective can be. Before starting the final portion of the project I created a #Pinterestboard to help me develop a full understanding of what Forced Perspective looks like. Almost every picture I found was absolutely amazing in how the picture was taken at the perfect moment and in the perfect area. Each picture was a clear example of Forced Perspective and when I began the final portion of the project, #itriedmybest to do the same with my pictures. Obviously the only area which was available to me was Apex High School #lame #disinterestedness. Due to this predicament the pictures that I took were not as cool as someone on top of a mountain or someone in an exotic place. Nevertheless, I took pictures that accurately represent Forced Perspective. The first picture that was taken is a picture of me in which I appear to be holding a sign far larger than I am. In order to make the picture look like this I stood on a lower level of the ground then where the actual sign is placed. This gives the illusion that the sign is far larger than I am and I am able to wield it in my hand. The second picture taken is of my hand holding a pole. In reality the pole is huge and there is no way I would be able to fit my hand around it, however, by using Forced Perspective I was able to make it look as if my hand could fit around the entire pole. I positioned the camera in just the right way so that it made the pole look a certain size that would be able to be held in my hand. What I feel was most #successful about this project was my ability to correctly apply Forced Perspective when taking pictures, thus creating a whole new form of art that I have never created before until now.